12 video ideas for expat YouTubers
So you want to share your expat life but are not sure what you could possibly make videos about? Don’t worry, I got you. There are so many things you can talk about as an expat and people love hearing about expat stories as it gives them an idea of what it’s like to move to and live in a different country.
Here are 12 video ideas that you can create as an expat on your YouTube channel.
Scroll down to the end of the post to watch the YouTube video.
#1 Vlogs
This is an obvious one. You can make a travel vlog exploring your new surroundings or a moving vlog to share your journey from day one. Vlogs are great to show people the behind the scenes of moving countries and what life is like in a different country.
i made a video about vlogging tips for expats, you can check it out here.
#2 What I wish I knew
These are super popular on YouTube and very intriguing to click. Here you can share things that you learned after arriving that you didn’t know before. This can be about visas, work and travel requirements, apartment hunting etc. This can also be incredibly helpful for viewers who are considering moving to the same country.
#3 How to pack
What are the essentials when you move to a different country? What to bring and what to leave behind? You can make videos about your essentials or a very specific packing list depending on what type of expat life you will live. Someone backpacking through Uruguay will need different things so someone working in Tokyo.
#4 Trying local food
Try local foods and snack and make a reaction video about this. This is really fun to watch for both locals and foreigners. Combine this with a vlog to make your video even more engaging.
#5 How much you spend
Share with your viewers how much you spend in a day, in a week or in a months. People are fascinated by what things cost in different places around the world, especially rent, food and other everyday purchases.
#6 How to make friends
It can be daunting for expats to meet new people after the move. If you have been through that experience and you made a group of friends, share your experience with the viewer and what you did to meet people. This may inspire other people to do similar things.
#7 Story Time
Is there anything funny that might have happened while travelling to your destination or during your first few weeks in the country? Share the story with your audience. This can not only be super entertaining but also educational or relatable.
#8 How to make your first $1,000
Every expat needs to figure out how to make money in the new country. Make a video about the best jobs you can get as an expat, where to search for jobs and how to prepare for interviews.
#9 Your most and least favourite things
After living in the country for a while, you can look back and talk about the things you love about living there and the things you might not like that much. Make it as a listicle such as “10 thing a love about xyz”
#10 Apartment Tour
Everybody loves an apartment tour so why not show your viewers the new place and how it’s different to living in your home country. Share how you found the place and how you decorated it to your taste.
#11 The 3 most important things after arriving
There are always these life admin things every expat has to do after arriving in the new country. Create a video summarizing the most important first steps for any new arrival. The people coming after you will thank you.
#12 How to save money for the move
Moving countries is not cheap, you need money for the flight, for rent, for travel and activities. If you don’t already have a job for when you get there, you want to make sure you have a comfortable budget that allows you to experience the joys of your new home but also give you a buffer until you find your first job. Make a video about how to save leading up to the move and how much money you may need at the start.
I hope the ideas will give you enough inspiration to start sharing your expat journey. Thanks for reading 🙌